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Global Learning Opportunity  Alumni

noven, 26
south korea

I first studied abroad at Incheon University in South Korea where much of my expenses were covered. Jumping on that opportunity, I immediately applied and was accepted. This was the first time I had left Oahu in my life, and at that time I was twenty-two years old. I had studied and did some translating in Japanese for 2 years, but I found that I was more stylistically attracted to Korean culture through my study abroad experience. I had previously took one semester of Korean at LCC while also attending a past study abroad experience that lasted for one month, though that program was not focused on language learning.


The experience at Incheon encouraged me to study abroad at Tongmyong University in Busan, South Korea. During my time at Tongmyong I learned what it felt like to be a foreigner. I was able to empathize with foreigners, second language learners, and develop a greater understanding of my own culture and enthusiasm for sharing my learning with others. I felt that the more I learned, the less I realized I knew. I also learned much more extensively the importance of putting oneself out there because experiences are what build my own character.


While there were too many wonderful experiences to count, one that stood out was how the other Hawaii students and I walked around the Gyeongju area. Some Tongmyong students took us out there and we explored amusement parks that seemed abandoned but were actually operating, visited an elaborate estate where the lights were reflected in the large pond, and fought the freezing cold while walking to a nearby town to indulge in some local cuisine and hot soup. It felt like a mini adventure!


Studying abroad was the experience of a lifetime. There was vacationing in an area, and then there is studying in an area. For me, it felt as if I got an early glimpse into what the latter part of my life has in store for me. The fun times, but the difficult times that may lie ahead. Through this experience I became much more proud for the hard work my mom put in to immigrating to the United States and learning English the hard way. After closing my eyes and jumping into a whole new country, I now feel much more prepared for anything else coming my way.


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irvin, 22
south korea

I studied in Busan, South Korea and the school I attended was Tongmyong University. At that time, I didn't know how to read or write in Korean at all and only knew how to say basic phrases like hi and bye. I chose Busan because I really wanted to learn as much of the language as I could during my duration there. Since I knew that Busan didn't have a lot of English speakers, I knew that being there would force myself out of my comfort zone and cause me to use whatever Korean I've learned in class to make my way around the city.


The most memorable experience for me would have to be meeting many of my Korean friends that I had previously met when they came to Hawaii to learn English. The other local students and I helped them a lot when they were here in Hawaii. Having them help me when I went to Korea was so great. They got me to do stuff out of my comfort zone and experience a lot new things.


In the end, although I didn't become fluent, my knowledge of the Korean language improved tremendously. I wasn't able to read or write in the language before, but now I can to a certain extent, and have short conversations with my friends in Korea. I also learned a lot about being independent. This was my first time traveling on my own without my parents so it lead me to become more aware of my own health and becoming responsible about everything.


If an opportunity to study abroad ever presents itself to you, don't be afraid to go for it. I promise you; it's an experience that you will never forget.

anthony, 23
south korea

I studied at Tongmyong University during the Fall 2016 semester. I always knew that I wanted to study abroad, but I didn’t know when. So when the opportunity arose to study abroad at Tongmyong University for a semester, I took it. It was the first time that kind of program was offered to students and knowing that I was a part of the very first group to go on a semester study abroad made it that much more appealing.


Before that opportunity came up, I was the President of the International Student Club. Many of the international students that came to our campus in the past were Korean students. When they heard I was going to South Korea to study abroad, they were willing to help me get settled in South Korea and to show me areas of South Korea.


I had previously taken Korean 101 at Leeward Community College. Taking this class helped me with the first two weeks of class in Korea, but after that it didn’t help me at all. Everything was taught in Korean, the workbook was in Korean, and writing was only in Korean. My Korean definitely improved, but it improved in listening rather than in speaking. I felt like if I did not understand who was talking to me then I could not even respond to them. That is why I chose to surround myself with people who could speak Korean. I also got tutors who could help me improve my writing and practical speaking skills.


My most memorable experience was participating in a home-stay. I got to spend some time at someone’s house over the weekend. It was a great experience because many people lived in apartments. I was really nervous because I was scared that I would accidently do something that might be considered rude. In the end, nothing went wrong but I had gotten to experience awesome home-cooked meals and life lessons from the people living in the house. We shared our cultural differences and spent a lot of time talking and eating.


During my time there I learned that my personality was lacking in some areas and that I was more on the quiet side. Going through this experience helped me learn to be more outgoing and to not be scared of new experiences. I had to be flexible and open minded to things, which helped me a lot because I got to experience many different things. If I had complained about a lot of things, then it would have ruined not only my experience, but also everyone else’s experience. So having a lot of courage to do things that were not in my comfort zone taught me about self-growth and discipline. I also learned how to communicate with people even though we have a language barrier.


Overall, if you have the opportunity to study abroad, then I recommend going. I did have helicopter parents and they would get worried about everything. Showing my determination in studying abroad and being the President of the International Student Club showed them that they did not have to worry about anything and when I came back my parents and friends saw a different me, and it was a positive outcome.


91-1001 Farrington Hwy. 

Kapolei, HI 96707



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